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Generate object descriptions

Discover Hoot - the AI-powered tool to effortlessly generate item descriptions for your collections.

Generate object descriptions for your visitors

Generate object descriptions for your visitors

Another use of Hoot is generating object descriptions from data captured through KLEKSI! Hoot saves you time and effort in creating compelling and accurate descriptions for your collection. Thanks to advanced AI technology, Hoot analyzes the relevant details of objects, such as historical background, artistic style and materials. It offers suggestions and inspirational phrases to serve as the basis for your descriptions. This results in consistent and meaningful descriptions, bringing your collection to life.

Transform your item descriptions with Hoot and make your collection shine with vibrant and meaningful descriptions.

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Are you convinced and do you want to use KLEKSI to manage your collection or archive? Or do you have any questions? We are here to assist you. Talk to an expert today.

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For who is KLEKSI

KLEKSI is designed for a wide range of users. The system is ideal for organizations and professionals
responsible for managing, documenting and registering their collections and archives.
See below for whom KLEKSI can offer a solution.